Buying Fear and Belittling God

Time to call it like it is.

It’s disheartening to observe the public’s reaction. A bug, which is neither extraordinarily deadly or contagious relative to others, is controlling the lives of the masses.1 The set-up in causing this melodrama has been over a century in the making.

We have subtly but sternly been beaten with the beliefs of the germ theory. That we need to be scared of germs and bugs and oogly googlies. That we weak, sorry, poorly-designed beings are at the mercy of far more powerful microscopic specks.

Another theory, counter to germ theory, is the terrain theory originally proposed by Antoine Béchamp in the late 1800s (the same era germ theory came about). Antoine asserted that we do not catch a disease or infection but that we earn them. He taught about how bugs are always present on us and in us, but they only cause sickness if the body is out of balance or not functioning at an acceptable level, at which time those bugs invade the weak areas of our body. On the other hand, he believed that those bugs form a symbiosis with us, providing us with services our bodies couldn’t (or would no longer have to) do.

Today, we know that the average human houses trillions of bugs on and in themselves, also known as their respective microbiome. Actually, it’s estimated that we each house at least as many bugs as we have cells of our own. Ever heard of a probiotic? Of course you have. This generally explains why probiotics can be helpful. We need those bugs to be well! Our microbiome is essential!

Many people are known to be “carriers” of certain bugs that the medial field deems pathogenic. By “carriers,” it is meant that those people are always housing a bug of medical interest whether that person has symptoms of illness or not. This common occurrence obliterates the germ theory and supports the terrain theory. If people are walking around at all times harboring germs that can cause problems in others, but they are as well as ever, that shows that germs cause problems only conditionally. It is not the germ; it is the environment the germ is in that determines its pathogenicity.

Throw in one more germ to the mix of your microbiome, and your immune system should eliminate it or control its population to keep it in check. If your body (specifically your immune system) is not well, it may become a problem. How is it that we place the blame on the germ? Germs are there to assist us. It is our own responsibility to keep ourselves strong and sanitary enough so that our bodies can control the bugs.

I believe it is very preferable to expose healthy people to new germs. The greater the diversity of germs in your microbiome, the more benefits those germs can provide to you. If your body doesn’t benefit from the germ, then your immune system ought to eliminate it. One more VERY important point about increased exposure… those that overcome a germ can pass on their immunity to that germ!

Way back in 1933, A.W. Hedrich published a paper explaining his observation which he termed ‘herd immunity.’ He noted that once about 68% of children in a general area contracted measles, a massive drop off in measles cases would occur consistently.2 This also explains why novel germs that caused epidemics far back in history didn’t continue to devastate future populations after those populations recovered. Herd immunity is a commonly accepted concept about the community-wide benefits of developing immunity and is a rally cry in movements for mandatory vaccination although it has only been observed with the occurrence of natural-borne immunity from acquiring the actual (wild type) bug.

Another historical example of herd immunity (or lack of) is from the Spanish Flu of 1918, which has drawn many parallels with the current virus. Two more waves of this flu swept through the world after the first one. The second wave was more deadly than the initial wave.3 Part of the drawing-out process is attributed to the underdevelopment of transportation and communication systems at the time. In other words, the populations then were naturally more quarantined which led to no herd immunity and a longer, more deadly epidemic.

Okay here’s where the envelope is pushed. I think healthy people should be shouldering the immune system load. They should be out there, getting the population over 68% exposed to the coronavirus germ. Yes, I’ll say it, corona parties. Those with poor immune systems, too susceptible of being overwhelmed by a new germ, should limit their exposure only. If the healthy are exposed, they will be more able to control the germ, and those less fit will have more stable populations of germs to be exposed to when they eventually are exposed. Viruses need to be conquered, not ran away from. That will reduce the overall numbers of severe sickness and death. This is the time to achieve herd immunity.

Isolation of the healthy is not the answer unless you think the answer is more deaths and a longer epidemic. This germ will never go away, no matter our degree of isolation. What a shame to tell people that are well to not congregate, it is belittling the human body’s potential. Our bodies can do amazing things like help save those whom have neglected theirs. And for those that have neglected their health, all the more reason to pick up the slack now and lower your susceptibility to severe illness.

I’m going to take the time to add this: American culture has taught us to degrade the human body. Here, everyone believes it is destiny to lose mobility and independence as we age. That we will become unable to work eventually. That may be typical, but it is not normal. We beg for quick fixes when in reality the only true and good fix is a healthy, high-functioning body that heals our problems. Neglecting health has become popular and something to take pride in. To draw an analogy, it’s like we’re given the most perfect tool to perform a job well, but we misuse it and refuse to maintain it. Then we act as though we had no responsibility in the tool’s poor state when it doesn’t work well anymore, and we search for another solution that will never be as good as the original.

I guess enraged is a more accurate way to describe my feelings. When we bend to the falsehoods of germ theory, we ridicule ourselves. It is very impressive seeing this in action. Those that take pride in pillaging, depriving, and abusing their own bodies are those that are most desperate to cry about germs and how they have ruined or will certainly ruin them or their neighbors. Stay home, stay scared, stay stressed about microscopic specks. That’s the answer to a healthy population?

Psalm 112: 1, 7-8 Praise the Lord! Happy are those who fear the Lord. They are not afraid of evil tidings; their hearts are firm, secure in the Lord. Their hearts are steady, they will not be afraid.

I am most dismayed with some of my friends whom claim themselves as Christians. They are supposed to believe that we humans are created in God’s all-superior image. To think that overcoming this pandemic with anything other than improving ourselves to be more like we were designed, we would be dismissing God’s power and intelligence. Our design is greater than all other creatures on Earth, but they act like a virus is suddenly on top of the food chain. Or rather, God and His design is deficient after all. His design is child’s play when compared to the REAL things in life. Why do they disrespect God? If that’s what they want to cling to, they do not fear God whatsoever. Just calling it like it is.




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